Inducted: 1996
The influence of Burgee Amdahl's service to cooperatives has affected lives from his native Minnesota across America and in countries of Eastern Europe. A visionary, an innovator, a builder, a leader, a tireless worker, he is known for demanding more of himself than of those around him while yet inspiring others to achieve their best.
His leadership as president of the St. Paul Bank for Cooperatives, and then as CEO of Farm Credit Services of St. Paul, helped establish many programs with far-reaching impact on the Farm Credit System and of far-reaching benefit to America's farmers and ranchers and their cooperatives.
His service to the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe has helped these people move to a free market economy. His work with Poland's cooperative banks has greatly benefited the farmers and craftsmen who own and use them. Training systems and methods he developed there are now benefiting other countries and peoples of Eastern Europe.