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Hall of Fame

Daniel A. Mica

Inducted: 2011

Daniel A. Mica came to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) after many years on Capitol Hill, where he served as a five-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives. His impact on the credit union movement was both immediate and profound.

As CUNA's new CEO he not only secured financial stability for CUNA at a time when its future looked bleak, but also led the fight to secure the very existence of U.S. credit unions. This leadership of the Campaign for Consumer Choice, the legislative battle countering the banking industry's attempt to limit credit union membership, was pivotal. Mica directed the legislative strategy, spearheaded a rally on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol, and acted as the chief spokesperson in the media. Without question his personal legislative experience and political acumen were keys to the successful effort to enact H.R. 1151, the Credit Union Membership Act.

During his tenure Mica built CUNA into one of Washington's most influential trade associations, and substantially raised the visibility of credit unions nationwide. He also worked closely with the broader cooperative community to create a strong, national voice supporting the value of cooperation.

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