Our Sponsors
Thank you for your support of the 2024 Cooperative Hall of Fame. There is no better way to tell the cooperative story than through the life experiences of our cooperative heroes - individuals like Tony Bedard, Nannie Helen Burroughs, Dr. Christina Clamp, Vernon Oakes, and Clifford Rosenthal. We are proud to host the Cooperative Hall of Fame, which not only recognizes the cooperative movement's genuinely heroic leaders, but also raises funds to support CDF's economic and cooperative development work. Now on its 80th year, CDF continues its commitment to support new and expanding cooperative enterprises to increase public awareness of the significant contributions made by cooperatives to the nation's and world's economies.

50th Anniversary Sponsor
CoBank, a national cooperative bank serving vital industries across rural America and member of the
Farm Credit System, is pleased to sponsor the 2024 Cooperative Hall of Fame. The success of Farm
Credit — a national network of cooperatively organized banks and lending associations specifically
chartered to serve agriculture and rural America — depends on the leadership of committed, farsighted
men and women who understand the challenges and opportunities facing the country’s rural
Congratulations to this year’s inductees to the Co-op Hall of Fame. Your recognition is well-deserved,
and your impact on the cooperative movement will long be remembered. The people of CoBank celebrate you and your many accomplishments!

50th Anniversary Sponsor
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is the national trade association representing more
than 900 local electric cooperatives. From growing suburbs to remote farming communities, electric
co-ops serve as engines of economic development for 42 million Americans across 56 percent of the
nation’s landscape.
As local businesses built by the consumers they serve, electric cooperatives have meaningful ties to
America’s rural communities. They invest $15 billion annually into the areas that they serve and are
making energy and broadband investments to give communities the flexibility to adapt to tomorrow’s
energy and technology needs. As the U.S. electric grid faces new opportunities and challenges, electric
co-ops are hubs of innovation, unlocking new ways to power and empower local communities. Co-ops
leverage groundbreaking research, next-generation energy technologies and first-of-a-kind solutions as
they revolutionize the energy industry.
Congratulations to the 2024 inductees, your contributions to the cooperative community have rightly earned you a spot in the Cooperative Hall of Fame!
Co-op Heroes Sponsor
Unsung Heroes
Momentus Capital
The Momentus Capital branded family of organizations is proud to be a multi-year sponsor of the Co-op Hall of Fame and Unsung Hero awards.
This year’s Unsung Hero, Nannie Helen Burroughs embodies the true spirit of what it means to be a
leader for both economic and social justice. Her dedication to education and improving the lives of Black women through a focus on cooperative principles is inspiring.
We believe that residents from all walks of life should have equitable access to the things that contribute
to their health and wealth, a vibrant local economy with good jobs and high-quality social services, and
a voice in what happens in their community. Ms. Burroughs dedicated her life to demonstrating how the power of cooperatives is integral to achieving these important principles.
At Momentus Capital, we work to support Ms. Burroughs’ vision for cooperatives through our continuum of financial, knowledge, and social capital that helps build inclusive and equitable communities by providing people access to the capital and opportunities they deserve. This includes financing and impact investments to housing, food, and worker cooperatives.
We are also proud to celebrate the 10th year of our Co-op Innovation Awards. From 2015 – 2024 we
have awarded over $1 million in grants to cooperatives operating in disinvested communities. These organizations have leveraged those awards to secure more than $13 million in additional financing from foundations, investors, and governments agencies.
We honor Nannie Helen Burroughs, and all of the honorees, for their commitment to community through co-ops, and we commit to continue the principles of cooperatives in support of communities with whichwe are working hand-in-hand to create the futures they want for themselves and their families.

Co-op Heroes Sponsor
National Cooperative Bank
National Cooperative Bank congratulates the 2024 Cooperative Hall of Fame Inductees. Thank you
for your dedication and commitment to the co-op sector. Your work has made a profound impact in
advancing the cooperative mission and helping communities thrive.
National Cooperative Bank (NCB) provides comprehensive banking products and services to
cooperatives, their members, and socially responsible organizations throughout the country. What
makes NCB unique is that the bank was created to address the financial needs of an underserved
market niche — people who join together cooperatively to meet personal, social, or business needs, especially in low-income communities. Customers that choose NCB create an impact in the areas they care about — affordable housing, access to healthy food, small business, community health care, and renewable energy.
Your choices reflect your values. Your bank should, too.

Co-op Heroes Sponsor
National Co+op Grocers
National Co+op Grocers (NCG) honors 2024 Cooperative Hall of Fame inductees Nannie Helen Burroughs, Tony Bedard, Dr. Christina Clamp, Vernon Oakes and Clifford Rosenthal!
These inductees have made significant contributions to the cooperative movement, demonstrating a true
commitment to cooperative principles, community service and making a difference in the lives of others.
In particular, we wish to honor Tony Bedard. As CEO of Frontier Co-op, Tony has exemplified the power
of the cooperative model to combine business success with positive impact. Under his guidance, Frontier Co-op has become a leader in fair trade, empowering farmers and workers across the globe. Through initiatives like the Well Earth impact sourcing program and the Breaking Down Barriers to Employment program, Tony has further proven that doing good and doing well can go hand in hand. Tony’s vision and dedication have not only grown Frontier Co-op into a successful business but have also made it a force for good in the world. Congratulations, Tony, on this remarkable achievement!

Co-op Heroes Sponsor
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation
CFC proudly salutes Tony Bedard, Nannie Helen Burroughs, Dr. Christina Clamp, Vernon Oakes,
and Clifford Rosenthal on their induction into the Cooperative Hall of Fame. Created and owned
by America’s electric cooperative network, CFC, a nonprofit finance cooperative with approximately
$35 billion in assets, provides capital and industry-leading financial products to serve the needs of
our member-owners — America’s 900-plus not-for-profit, consumer-controlled electric cooperatives.
CFC operates under the seven cooperative principles and our core values of Service, Integrity and
Excellence. By delivering unparalleled industry expertise, flexibility and responsiveness, we help our
members maintain a sophisticated system of generation, transmission and distribution resources that spans 75 percent of the United States. This infrastructure provides a safe, reliable and affordable flow of power to 42 million consumers each day and plays a critical role in boosting the nation’s economy
and rural quality of life.
2024 Hall of Fame Sponsors
50th Anniversary

Co-op Heroes

Table Sponsors
America's Credit Unions & National Credit Union Foundation
Columinate & Common Good Management Services
CSI Support & Development Services
Frontier Co-op
Local Enterprise Assistance Fund (LEAF)
Momentus Capital
National Cooperative Bank
National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International
National Co+op Grocers
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC)
Rochdale Capital
Shared Capital Cooperative
Southern New Hampshire University
The ICA Group